Resources Relevant to Work in Multilateral Policy
Major UN report discusses existential risk and future generations (summary) - EA Forum (finm, ab; 2021)
On September 10th, the Secretary General of the United Nations released a report called “Our Common Agenda”. This report seems highly relevant for those working on longtermism and existential risk, and appears to signal unexpectedly strong interest from the UN. (...) In this post we've tried summarising the report for an EA audience.
EA and the United Nations - EA Forum (Lisa G; 2022)
Call to action for the EA community: Seek positions in and around the UN and affiliated organizations and improve institutional decision-making at the UN and its partners
Influencing United Nations Space Governance - EA Forum (Carson Ezell; 2022)
Space governance should be addressed at multiple levels of government, but the role of space as a “global commons” makes international governance particularly important.
United Nations for the future - a collection of key texts for long-term governance- Simon Institute For Longterm Governance (Konrad Seifert; 2021)
Future generations are front and center of many foundational international governance texts. Yet, consideration of their interests regularly falls into oblivion because short-term problems captivate our limited attention.